Sunday, October 3, 2010

One Hour Runner Week 3 Day 3

My heart wasn’t in it but I managed to get out there and do Week 3 Day 3 of OHR. Believe it or not my time was even slower than yesterday. 30 min and only 2.09 miles. I swear I was running! LOL My Endomondo App read 30:34 for time and 14:37 for Average Speed. Could be because I had a high carb diet today. That always puts my mood and my energy level in a serious slump. I’ve already planned to have a more balance diet tomorrow.

Next week, my fourth week of OHR, they are finally mixing things up. Day 1 is 30 min, day 2 is 29 min (odd), and day 3 is 35. That will be my longest time should I happen to make it that far.

My new shoes were once again awesome. No problems with them at all. As I’ve mentioned before I walk before and after my run times so I figure if I was going to have any problems with these shoes it would have shown during these first 2 days so I am very happy with my purchase. Did I mention I got this pair on sale as well? Under 40 bucks!

Only 2 mosquito bites that I’m aware of today, not bad for sunset in swampland. I hate to use bug spray because of how toxic it so I tried rubbing a dryer sheet over my exposed skin and it seemed to help. Who knows, it may have more toxins than deet but at least I smelled a little better.

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